Global Terrorism and its Aftermaths; A case particular in Pakistani Narrative


The lexicon, which is very much common in current times, namely Terrorism according to Oxford Dictionary means “ The unofficial and unauthorized use of violence and intimidation for political pursuits”. With the turn of 21st century there exists a plethora of terrorism respectively in numerous shapes, scale, nature and origin everywhere, but the outmost motive remains the same, which is to create fear and disruption resultantly a barrier in progress of individuals, entities, nations, continents and world as a whole for personal gains. Human race on planet earth has been through countless episodes of terrorism from north to south and east to west. The acts of terrorism so far have caused damage to humanity on astronomical scale from lose of precious lives to economic decay. The people who propound acts of violence on other people have no sense of religion, morality, and philanthropy and eventually desire of social harmony but becoming myopic in attaining mean and materialistic gains. After understanding it’s meaning it will be of outmost importance to shed some light on the history of terrorism from where it stems, and their reasons.

 Global Context of Terrorism

As terrorism is elaborately mentioned before, its history has roots embedded since the dawn of civilizations fighting for supremacy and conflict of interest. With the passage of time the acts of terrorism got much convoluted and complex, that today they can’t be easily comprehended and pin pointed to their root causes. But one can understand them with the prevailing conditions, super powers fighting for hegemony and varying world order. Today research after research concludes and consensus are built on the fact that socio-economic depravity is one of the reasons or lets say a dependent factor in the regression of terrorism. Since 9/11 a new world order was formed with the stance of United States to defeat the perpetrators of terrorism on their soil. 

Pakistani Context of Terrorism

Since Al-Qaida wielded it’s weapon and animosity towards US, that was a precinct to the current prevailing situation in most of the Middle East. Apart from superpowers competing to maintain their own interests, it was also down to revolutions, sectarian and old grudges among countries of South-Asia. All the countries with menace of perpetual terrorism are developing countries, who suffer from all sort of in-efficiencies, you name it and they have it, e.g. corruption, mismanagement, lack of ownership, weak institutions etc. So these countries become breeding grounds for terrorist and mushroomed in numbers. As recently we observed that the terrorist factions from Middle East are evolving and coming up with different means and methods of spreading terrorism in home ground and as far as continental Europe and America. Anyways if we look into the terrorism cancer being faced by our home country whose root causes take us to the background of US and Russia fighting for their dominance in Afghanistan and latter the good Taliban turning bad and prevalence of Kalashnikov culture.  There has been massive surge in the acts of terrorism in Pakistan and resulted in lose of hundred and thousands of innocent lives and most prominently derailing economy and adding to it’s misery. The terrorist operating in Pakistan have mostly connections beyond borders, from where they are funded, trained and guided, which has been revealed by many research papers so far. Apart from Afghanistan there is the phenomenon of spill over effect of trans-border terrorism, like the chronic issue of Palestine and Kashmir, which seems never resolving, and produce unrest which directly or indirectly affects and transcends within neighboring countries. When we specifically talk about Pakistan, which is one of the developing countries and also with problems of increasing population, corruption, miss-management and lack of ownership and mature institutions has been an easy target for terrorism. Particularly when we raise the issue of increasing population in which a major chunk is dominated by young generation, who become soft targets for terrorist recruits, resulting from lack of socio-economic equality and being left over from mainstream economy. As we are not a welfare state, where state juggles to provide basics on the tax money, the interventions so far by government establishment to look after the young portion of population appears to be work of cosmetics rather an integrated long-term solution. Apart form rising population and subsequent un-employment issue with younger generations, we have hundred and thousands of Madrasas running under philanthropy and state funding, these institutes have been one of the participants in terrorist incidents in Pakistan. As Madrassas fill the void where government is inefficient i.e. provide free education, food, shelter etc. to the poorest segment of society, in all this narrative they become vulnerable and at mercy of foreign influences who provide them with capital. Ultimately they use innocent children as their tools of spreading terrorism with misconception and giving them false notion of martyrdom. The porous borders of Pakistan also add to the factor of terrorism with illegal entry & exit, free mobility across border provides concealment and resultantly inexorable deployment of ammo in form of suicide bombers.

Pakistan interventions and deployment of policy for Counter-Terrorism

As we talked about the issues and their consequences in afore-mentioned passage, it’s not that Pakistan is waiting for miracle to happen and wipe off terrorism altogether at once. The ruling governments in turn have set precedence on curbing the perennial issue of terrorism. The regimes have tried their best to use the legal and available infrastructure apparatus to curb terrorism. Major development in recent times include the enactment of a national action plan for expediency of trials & tribulations, in order for quick delivery of justice in relation to terrorism element. A separate government body (NACTA) is formed as well for unification of center with provinces, also foreign states and different stakeholders in work related to tackling terrorism per se. One of the major issues in light of terrorism rests with Madrassa, their regulation, registration, monitoring, evaluation of text and knowledge under study plan. It is promising to see that there have been major developments in regulation of Madrassas, where government has registered and closed down many institutes and opted the process of scrutiny with their operations and study text and knowledge delivery. Pakistan has also taken steps on border control and illegal mobility, as it is exposed through border with Iran, India, Afghanistan, and China. The border area with Afghanistan and Tribal area has been a question mark with the responsible agencies, which have been in-efficient in proving to be a monolithic barrier. Subsequently the influx of Afghan refugees and their poor monitoring has been a major concern but in recent developments the federal government took a strong stance with help of international organizations, for peaceful repatriation and milestones have been achieved.

Pakistan efforts required to further strengthen Counter-Terrorism Policy

With, the discussion of specific terrorism root causes to our homeland previously, it will be of immense importance to look for ways to further strengthen and revamping counter-terrorism measures.  Pakistan needs to put in place elaborate methods of monitoring capital movement from outside and within country, which could restrict the funding of terrorism. As capital is oxygen on which terrorist breathe. The current legal apparatus needs to be in place, which is quick in providing justice and acts as a lesson and produce fear within potential and remnant terrorism elements. The quick justice system might prove to be a short-term treatment of terrorism menace; the government of Pakistan needs to start realistic and pragmatic method of de-radicalization and invoking chauvinism and eliminating dis-enfranchisement. A further and timely review of Madrassas on frequent basis will keep a check and order situation. A proper research and development with text and knowledge of Madrassa will not only enlighten disciples but will also prove to be useful in getting to main stream economy. Border control system overhauling, with use of modern technology to decipher potential threat elements. Continuation of spatial army operations aimed at elimination of terrorist within cites and safe havens in border proximity.


Pakistan, a country abounds with vast swathe of fertile land, desert, forest, snowcapped mountains, rivers, glaciers and more. Apart from natural resources it has one of the efficient and dynamic human resource playing key roles in local and international context. It also has prestigious institutes of world adding to global socio-economic development. Pakistan has suffered a lot from the lasting problem of terrorism. But the people and representatives of people doesn’t surrender, every time they stand up and show resilience towards pessimistic elements, in order to be a healthy, wealthy and prosperous Pakistan from the farmers living on high mountains in north to the city dwellers in south. As it is emphatically penned by Calvin Coolidge (30th US president and advocate of small government), “The slogan ‘Press on’ has helped and always will solve the problems of the human race.”

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